Community Profile
Community Profile
Additional market data is provided by Virginia Employment Commission as well as the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. The VEC reports include demographic, economic and education profiles. The VEDP report includes data on location, labor markets, education, transportation, utilities, financial institutions, government and taxes, community facilities and lifestyle.
Unemployment Rates Trends Workforce Commuter Patterns
Source: Virginia Employment Commission
Virginia Employment Commission Community Profile PDF2
Virginia Employment Commission Micro Profile PDF3
Virginia Economic Development Partnership Community Profile PDF4
Page Links
- http://prxk.dandick.net/business-climate
- http://prxk.dandick.net/content/yespowhatan/uploads/vec_community_profile_updated_7_21_2018.pdf
- http://prxk.dandick.net/content/yespowhatan/uploads/vec_micro_profile.pdf
- http://prxk.dandick.net/content/yespowhatan/uploads/vedp_community_profile.pdf